domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011
sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011
quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011
We are always tired
And sometimes when I talk you don't answer so I just sit a tap my toes. I want to say ''I'm trying, I really am.''
But I don't say anything.
I want you to know that I care and I want you to be happy, but sometimes I just dont know how.
“There are people who have said that I’m being brave for being openly supportive of gay marriage, gay adoption, basically of gay rights but with all due respect I humbly dissent, I’m not being brave, I’m being a decent human being. And I don’t think I should receive an award for that or for merely stating what I believe to be true, that love is a human experience not a political statement. However, I acknowledge that sadly we live in a world where not everybody feels the same. My family and I will help the good fight continue until that long awaited moment arrives, when our rights are equal and when the political limits on love have been smashed.”
- Anne Hathaway
terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011
Sinceramente? A cada minuto fica pior. Cada minuto é um minuto a mais de besteiras. Cada vez mais eu me decepciono muito mais do que eu imaginava com as pessoas. E o que eu faço para sair disso tudo? O que eu faço para fujir dessa rotina diária? Aonde eu vou para conhecer pessoas novas? Eu quero mudar mais, ainda não foi o suficiente, eu preciso virar a minha vida, totalmente, assim, talvez, tudo fique certo.
segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2011
And there you go again making me feel like this. You make me feel like I’m worthless and unimportant. You never seem to really care or take an active interest in how I’m feeling. And it hurts because you’re the one who are supposed to care the most. Sure, I may get moody sometimes but that’s when there’s something wrong and you never ask what happened. You say I never tell you things but that’s because I know you won’t listen if I did. And when I try to end up everything you decide to care. You say a lot of things to make me believe, believe in you, believe in me, but I just can't, you're not a good lier. The only thing you do is making me feel more guilty, guilty of my own existence. It hurts when you do. It hurts just being ignored so easily. Especially by you.
domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011
Eu gosto de errar.
Sinto o cheiro e gosto dos meus erros e simpatizo com eles. O certinho me causa desconfiança. Antipatizo com o correto. Prefiro a minha infelicidade com flashes de felicidade momentânea… Esperar não é para mim. Produzo teorias que não servirão para nada. Invento palavras que não existem, faço meu próprio dicionário. Crio definições que só eu uso e, ainda por cima, me mato de rir. Prefiro a minha insanidade com flashes de sanidade instantânea. O que presta é o que me interessa. O que eu quero, agarro. O que eu desejo, abraço. O que eu sonho, desenho. O que eu imagino, escrevo. O que eu sinto, escondo. A perfeição está no meu humor. Está na minha emoção. Está nas minhas linhas tortas e devaneios tolos. Nem sempre minhas ações condizem com as minhas palavras. Me conheça. Me decifre. Me ame. Me devore.
sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011
“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As longs as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.”
— Anne Frank
segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2011
Em mim mesma, nos outros, nas coisas e nas circunstâncias. Sozinha. Em meio a multidões, entre quatro paredes e entre sorrisos que nunca me pertenceram. Chorando. Mágoas passadas, presentes e futuras. Esperando. O que está por vir, o que nunca vai chegar, e aquilo sem nome que me motiva a esperar. Resistindo. A vontade de desistir, de correr pra longe, de tornar o longe minha morada. Lutando. Contra mim mesma, contra as guerras internas travadas entre cabeça e coração e contra o que me puxa pra baixo tornando cada vez pior ficar em cima. Aqui. Perdida, sozinha, chorando, esperando, resistindo e lutando.
domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011
“Take me up,” she demanded, the moment she had entered Castle Black.
Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons stood in the middle of the courtyard, looking like the deadliest reinforcements Jon had ever seen. She was speaking to him and him alone, though the men of the Night’s Watch crowded around them, gaping up the the three scaled beasts, as tall as houses and as temperamental as wildfire.
Jon wasted no time in showing her to the winch, and they rode in silence, Daenerys in her Dothraki garb, her bare arms covererd in goosebumps, and Jon wearing all black, from the fur on his cloak to the tips of his boots.
They were almost at the top when she spoke. “You are Jon Snow.” It was not a question.
“You are Daenerys Stormborn,” he countered. They stood quite apart, taking one another in, trying to match what they had heard with what was in front of them.
The cable pulled to a sudden stop and they climbed out onto the Wall. The air was fresher up here, and colder; she shivered noticeably. Jon thought of offering her his cloak, but did not know if she would consider it an insult.
They reached the other side quickly. Daenerys looked out onto the forest, her expression steely, and Jon knew that she was readying herself for another war. She had come north, as Stannis had before her, the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms ready to face the enemy beyond the Wall.
And yet… and yet as she looked out beyond the wall, so small that she was a moment from being lifted away with the breeze, she did not seem like Daenerys Stormborn. She shivered again, and Jon moved on impulse, closing the distance between them. He had quite forgotten that they did not know one another at all.
“I am a Targaryen,” Daenerys whispered, the flakes of snow landing on her hair and making it as bright as the full moon, “the last Targaryen of them all.”
There was a sadness to her voice that struck him, and he saw them both suddenly exactly as they were: no more than children, trying to be brave, standing up tall in spite of all they had lost.
“And what are your burdens, Lord Snow??”
“I have no burdens,” he whispered back. “I have no name.”
It was a lie, but she did not seem to mind.
sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011
Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
J.R.R. Tolkien
quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011
Estamos em cantos separados
Em direções contrárias, em ritmos diferentes. O tempo anda passando rápido demais, e, tenho a impressão de te ver caminhando para longe de meus braços. Cada vez mais inalcançável. Meu amante, diga-me com toda a sinceridade que tu tens, está querendo desistir, é isso? Eu te imploro, de coração, corpo e alma, não me deixe. Dependo de você. Já não sei mais dar um passo qualquer sem tua observação. Eu te doei tudo o que eu tinha de melhor. Não finja que nada aconteceu entre nós dois; nos pertencemos de uma forma irreversível, e você sabe disso. Eu ainda te necessito, meu querido.
terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011
segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011
Eu nunca fui boa com essa coisa de mostrar o que sinto pra pessoas. Eu sou toda errada, não consigo fazer nada certo. Eu não consigo fazer ninguém feliz. Eu não consigo nem mostrar o quanto eu preciso de você, o quanto eu preciso que fique comigo pra sempre. E eu peço que me perdoe por ser assim. Mas eu tenho, eu tenho um coração. Um coração que já foi quebrado, pisado, e hoje tá um pouco surrado. Só que ainda sente, só que ainda ama. Te amo muito.
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